Now this is the story all about how...Our life gets flipped, turned upside down...

I'd like to take a minute just sit for a few....

and I'll tell you of our journey loving the City of Sioux.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Trending Tunes Tuesday

Did you know blogs can time travel?  You can have a Tunes Tuesday post on Wednesday morning if it is early's in the rules somewhere. 

Just when I promised that last week's post was going to be the girliest jam we put on here, I am going to break that promise. Today's is the girliest yet. 

Summer suggested this track because it goes absolutely perfectly with the post from yesterday. It does. I actually thought about posting this tune yesterday but chickened out because I wanted a different jam after last week's tear-jerker. Summer was right. I was wrong. Repeat.  

In related news it's also our anniversary today! Woohoo! Nine years. Can't believe it. We have had a wild ride together and I can't imagine a better woman to share my life with.  

Back to the tune. Sara Groves is THE BEST SONGWRITER I KNOW. There. I said it. In print. I say this because I have cried listening to almost every single song she has ever written. No joke. Seriously. Like blubbery-teenage-girl-watching-The-Notebook type of tears. Sometimes I don't like the music...but this just adds (to the beauty?'ll get that in a sec) to how awesome her lyrics are.  

Plus, this is a live jam and it has a dude from Jars of Clay on it.  #oldschool. Also she sings perfectly live. 

Anyway here is the link...happy blubbering!

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