Now this is the story all about how...Our life gets flipped, turned upside down...

I'd like to take a minute just sit for a few....

and I'll tell you of our journey loving the City of Sioux.

Friday, October 4, 2013

First Flare Request Friday in Siouxland!

We are in Sioux City!!!!

It is pretty surreal. We left here six years ago for adventure. We have returned for adventure. We love adventure.  

I feel like I have been riding a roller coaster for weeks. In reality it is like we have been riding the tea cups. The roller coaster awaits. 

Yesterday, upon arriving in Sioux City, we had to make an essential stop. We had to go to a place that is REASON ENOUGH to move to Sioux City, a place that resembles heaven. A place that is one of my favorite places on Planet Earth. I am in love with this place.

This place is La Juanita's. The burritos there are absolute proof heaven and God exist, and they intersect with Earth. I have started a love poem to La Juanita's. I am dead serious about this...this place is amazing.  

I wasn't expecting to make it there for a while, but we needed food, and were driving right by, and my wife is awesome and suggested it. I gathered my emotions together, and went inside. After ordering, I was waiting for my food and just soaking up the goodness of being there, when in walked a guy I hadn't seen since we moved out of Sioux City six years ago.  

This guy is one of the reasons we moved back to Sioux City. I knew him through our time in student ministry, and he is a young adult who can't seem to "get out". He has had an incredibly rough life, and has searched for God for a long time. When we thought and prayed about moving to Sioux City, this guy was one of the people who came to mind and who we prayed for. And he was the guy who walked into La Juanita's yesterday, moments after I did, in the middle of a Thursday afternoon. I asked him how things were going, exchanged numbers, and hugged him a bit too tightly.





This was one of those many moments demonstrating the presence of God in the middle of our story. This is one of those moments when I feel the weight and need for the gospel to spread hope like fire in this community. It was a small meeting with a big impact in my heart and mind. 

This flare request is for my friend. That he and the TENS OF THOUSANDS of folks like him would find hope and help and identity in the family of God. That he would know he is seen, heard, known, loved and accepted by a God who loves this city and its people.

Keep the flares coming! Thanks for being on this journey with us!

Other News:
Last night we had our first community group time, and it was great. We shared a great meal together, made some plans for moving forward, got into the Scripture, and prayed. I love the people partnering with us and am so excited to see what God will do through this group of people committed to sharing the love of God with the community of Siouxland. 

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