Now this is the story all about how...Our life gets flipped, turned upside down...

I'd like to take a minute just sit for a few....

and I'll tell you of our journey loving the City of Sioux.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Safe and Sound in a Tidal Wave

Some songs just take up residence inside you.  In a deep, dark, bright place. Sometimes it's the words, sometimes it's the tunes, sometimes just the vibe...when I hear some ear candy it can be in my head for weeks.  

When I am driving, I love to turn up the jams to 11. I will listen to mostly anything, sometimes just scanning the radio waves looking for pure awesome.  When driving across the country, you have time to think, and to rock.  There were several tunes that got into my DNA on the drive to Iowa, but one in particular has taken up residence in my head for the last couple days.

It has a couple lines that go like this:
Even in a hurricane of frowns, I know we'll be safe and sound...
In a tidal wave of mystery, You'll still be standing next to me....

There are no accidents, even on the radio driving across Eastern Iowa. A hurricane of frowns? Mine, theirs, the ones ahead. That is one well-written metaphor. A tidal wave of mystery? I feel like that is what has hit us the past few weeks. I feel like that tidal wave is where we all live our lives.  

God is trying to get my attention. In everything, everywhere, all the time, He is trying to communicate peace to me.  A connection with Him and the others I find caught up in the same tidal wave. It has happened in ways big and small, profound and mundane, realized and not, the past few days on the wild ride we are on.  

I feel Him with us. And this is a comforting thought.  

"...God is with me like a dread champion.."

One of the interesting things about going on a real, risky, dangerous journey with God is that you become almost hyper-sensitive to everything around you. You are hungry.  You see and experience providence and grace in a fresh way. You are acutely aware of the things in the way of you becoming the thing you should be. 

"The closer you are to danger, the further you are from harm..."

The safest place to be is the place where you find God challenging you. The place where the sad and the small are confronted in you. It is also, simultaneously, the place we are most afraid of most often. I don't know about tomorrow or about the next minute, but right now we are safe and sound.  And that is more than enough for right now.  

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