HSC = Hopesprings Community of Faith
SUX = the hilarious and wonderful airport code for Sioux City, Iowa
♥ = our love
Hopesprings began as a community of faith in Bangor, Pennsylvania. It was started by a group of people with great love for their community and a desire to create a community of faith where people could honestly seek a deeper relationship with God and people.
Six years ago, my wife Summer and I left the things we knew and the place we are from, Sioux City, to be a part of that community of faith. That experience, in turn, changed our eyes and hearts for Sioux City. There are so many people in this city hungry for this…
What if there were a people passionately in love with God and others who were captivated by the idea that together they could live out the story of Jesus?
What if they believed that people of hope could change their neighborhoods by empowering the poor, strengthening the broken, embracing the lonely, seeking the lost and challenging the privileged to follow Him?
What if they had this notion that being an authentic community of believers means that the ideas of compassion, love, and forgiveness, are not just doctrines but a way of life?
What if they believed in a God of fresh starts and second chances - a God who transforms brokenhearted and wounded people into hope-filled Christ followers?
What if they were us?
We are returning to Sioux City in the fall of 2013, sent by Hopesprings, to create that kind of community of faith in Sioux City.
Sioux City has a population of around 86,000 people, with over 150,000 people in the greater metro area. We estimate at least 50,000 of those people in Sioux City alone are in desperate need of a connection with a community of faith that will tangibly share the good news of the God who loves us and will help people take their next step towards deepening relationships with Him and others. We are passionate about the kingdom of God in this city, and seeing people recapture the dreams God has for them, for the community, and for the world. We believe the resurrection of Jesus is powerful enough to raise us from the misery of a life apart from God, and, through His love, discover what we were made to be. We believe the love of Jesus can change our lives for good and even capture the imagination of a community.
To learn more about who we are, feel free to explore this site and get in touch with any questions you might have. We would invite you to get involved in any way you can…pray, give, be a part…it is going to be a wild ride.
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