Now this is the story all about how...Our life gets flipped, turned upside down...

I'd like to take a minute just sit for a few....

and I'll tell you of our journey loving the City of Sioux.

Monday, August 26, 2013

This is a Protest Post.

Today a fundamentalist group calling itself "christian" is holding protests in Sioux City. The protesters will be at city hall and East High School. It is hard not to be angry about it, and difficult to even bring it up, as this group deserves no more attention or time than they have already received. Loud things are interesting in a noisy world.  

It has been fascinating to read about and follow the counter-protest(s) happening today as well. It seems the plan is to throw a few parties around the city to drown out the noise and express the love people have for others. One is a picnic for the community in Cook Park.

You can't really speak to something you aren't witness to, so I will not try. 

But I do know that they will know we are disciples of Jesus by our love. Or they will know we are not by our lack of love.

It won't be about how clear we were in our judgment of sin.
It won't be about what we put on signs or yelled at a protest rally.
It won't be by our ability to ignore the noise of hate around us.

It will be by our love: Expressed. Shown. Given.  

I don't know what will happen today, but I am praying for peace, and for the students, faculty and administrators who have to deal with some of the worst expressions of "faith" that exist currently. I am praying for true expressions of faith in Christ to win out, to show by their words and actions what it means to follow Jesus. I am praying for the people involved in the protests, that they might keep their wits about them and that everyone would be safe.  
Oh, and also that justice would roll like a mighty water, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream. Small prayers for a Monday morning.  

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