Now this is the story all about how...Our life gets flipped, turned upside down...

I'd like to take a minute just sit for a few....

and I'll tell you of our journey loving the City of Sioux.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Feeling Jumpy

...Sorry for the post delay. (You may get a Bonus Super Fun Post for your patience)... 

I am still unnerved by the trust our son has in me.

I have done a few things to earn that trust. I make him food. I give him baths. We play together.  He knows I love him, and that I want to protect him and make sure he is as safe and as happy as possible. 

But I am not used to the jumps yet. 

Little kids do this (you have probably heard) all. the. time.  They will jump from perfectly safe places, out into the middle of nothing, because they are sure you will catch them.

I don’t know where this belief that he will be caught came from exactly. Chairs, steps, couches, poolsides…he was made to jump.  When he jumps, my guts jump.  He will be on the couch, and something will propel him to leap from the sure belief that bad things won’t happen. 

Sometimes bad things do happen.  We bonk heads.  I may catch him just barely, and awkwardly, collapsing into a heap on the living room floor.  We are no strangers to our fair share of owies. 

But he still jumps.  And I try to catch him.

People talk quite a bit about faith like a child.  It is something Jesus challenges all of his followers to have.  Yet it is a difficult thing to barely understand that faith, let alone have it.  To jump out into the adventures, dreams, and life God has for us is really scary.  Sometimes I can spend years on the couch, contemplating, calculating, working through some leap of faith.  But kids just jump. 

Either they are stupid, or they really trust us.  Kids trust that we will catch them, even awkwardly.  They trust that if they get an owie, or give us one, that everything is going to be ok. 

Or maybe kids think the jump itself is worth whatever comes after. 
Maybe we need some little kids to teach us about faith. 

What do crazy kids jumping off couches teach you about faith?

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