Now this is the story all about how...Our life gets flipped, turned upside down...

I'd like to take a minute just sit for a few....

and I'll tell you of our journey loving the City of Sioux.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Flare Request Friday

It is pretty easy to make excuses. To justify. To hide. It is literally a practice as old as Adam. God shows up...where are you Adam? Where are you really?

Naked and afraid.

Why? How could you know you were naked? Where did this self-obsession come from?

The woman...whom YOU gave to be with me...she did it.

Insert the rest of human history.

There is a lot you can pray about regarding Hopesprings.  You can pray for our involvement in our community, that we would build strong relationships and discover opportunities to love and serve people well. You can pray for our financial situation.  You can pray for a bigger meeting space for us Sunday mornings. You can pray for the people we have simply invited, for the people we have loved and served, for the many we have yet to meet. You can pray for our leaders, our logistics, and for anything else.

But as I sit down at 5:15 in the morning to write this, I want all your prayers for myself.  Horrible, I know...I just feel incredibly weak, tired, ineffective, and out-of-balance. I am struggling to put things into their healthy perspective and I think the crazy of the last couple months is getting to me a bit. I need to sit with God. I need help loving my family in the midst of this transition. I have been hiding behind excuses of busy and tired and justifying a pretty poor attitude at times the last couple weeks. In short, I need to remember something I have written on my arm: you are dead...and your life is hidden with Christ in God. 

Life is not found in me convincing myself or anyone else my excuses are good. That my reasons for being stressed or tired justify a poor connection with my family. It is not found in work or success or money or preaching or anything else. My life is hidden with Christ in God. In Jesus I have found a life that swallows up all my unconditional love that is poured out regardless of the circumstances...a reason to be who I was created to be that swallows up all the reasons I have to be anything else. 

Thanks for the flares.  I can't tell you how much they mean to us, or how important they are for this journey we are on.  

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