Yesterday I met a 4th grader who had the words "a ray of sunshine" spliced into her name. This person exists. Heaven is real.
A couple people from our community group hung out with some elementary school kids yesterday, and it was equal parts hectic, fun, and emotional. The community center is located in the heart of neighborhoods that are pretty rough, and the kids who are coming have some pretty tough stories they carry with them.
I would describe the kids I met yesterday as hungry. In every way. They clamored for attention, for time, for structure, for words, and for food. One of the most moving parts of our time there was during the meal the community center provides for the children...children who have a need for better nutrition. After a wild, loud, crazy time, the kids got their food and were immediately silent and feasting. They fought over seconds and thirds. They took whatever was left-over home.
After I the time was over some of the staff mentioned that whenever a male figure is there, the kids act differently. Most of the kids do not have their dad in their lives, and their need for a father is obvious and overwhelming.
I left the community center pretty emotionally devastated. I left there wanting to come back. Wanting to get to know these kids and their stories better. Wanting to help.
If you want to press my tear-button, ask me to think of kids who don't have parents. Or have one parent they don't know or spend every day with. There are many fatherless (and motherless) folks around us, and God beckons us. If we are going to do anything meaningful, one of those things must be to share the great love of God with the fatherless around us. To give those who are hungry for time the time we have. To give those who are hungry for food the food we have. To give those who are hungry for love a little of the unconditional love we have from Our Good Dad in heaven.
This flare request is for the fatherless. The motherless. Anyone who doesn't know unconditional, weighty, love-with-teeth-and-tears-and-truth. Pray we would have the courage to see, to sit with, to give to, to get to know, to love, to equip, to befriend and extend hope and help to the fatherless in our community.
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