Now this is the story all about how...Our life gets flipped, turned upside down...

I'd like to take a minute just sit for a few....

and I'll tell you of our journey loving the City of Sioux.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Flare Request Friday: Deets and Dimes

We have been sharing some of the heart and vision for Hopesprings in Sioux City. Today I want to share some the financial information and challenge you to pray about getting involved.  

It is Flare Request Friday. (Flares are what some nerds like me call prayers)

We will be using these as guidelines for the budget for Hopesprings SUX:

Tithe/Giving: 15%
We are a generous community of faith. Money is not something that will be used to manipulate or guilt people at Hopesprings, but when we do talk about finances and giving, we will encourage people connected with Hopesprings to be generous, and we will model that generosity with our own finances. We believe God has given us everything we have, and we trust Him with our money if we trust Him at all...where we spend our money is reflective of where our heart is.  

This money will initially go exclusively towards the good of the people of Siouxland. 
It will go out on mission, towards giving away the good news in tangible, practical ways in the city. This could look like partnering with local organizations who are doing the work of God in the community, as well as finding creative ways to love and serve people in our neighborhoods.  

Later, this portion of our budget will also go towards mission internationally that is connected with the vision and mission of Hopesprings.  

Salaries:  35%
This money will initially go towards the salary of the lead pastor and will expand to include other salaries deemed an appropriate use of our resources by the leadership of Hopesprings. Salaries will be made public knowledge and will be reasonable in relation to the work being done through the ministry of Hopesprings.  

Building: 30%
In the beginning we will be meeting in homes in Sioux City, and when we need a space to accommodate our weekly gatherings, we will be looking for space in Sioux City to rent for cheap (or free as people are moved to generosity). There will be many needs in this area to set up whatever space we will be using for our gatherings. We will need to make a significant financial investment to make the space a warm place for people to connect with God and each other. If we do not have much need in this area in the early days, we will save in the hopes of securing space as we need it.  

Ministry/Admin: 20%
This will be money geared towards the functioning of any ministry associated with Hopesprings in Sioux City. Any money spent training leaders, helping community groups function, ministry to kids or students...all of that is included in this area.  

Hopesprings in Sioux City is accountable financially to Hopesprings Corporation, and all spending/use of resources will be reported to the leadership of Hopesprings. A working budget will be available on the blog next week. 

We are praying for people to partner with us to help fund the initial stages of Hopesprings in SIoux City. We would ask you to think, pray, and consider giving generously. As a goal, we are praying for at least 25 people to commit to giving $100 per month for one year to help with the work in Sioux City. We are also praying for people to give one-time donations and monthly contributions of any amount.  

We pray you might see any giving as an investment in the Kingdom of God and the work He is doing in Siouxland. We see great needs, and we trust a great God to move in the hearts of His people to fund His dreams for the community.    

If you are interested in giving to Hopesprings in Sioux City, please click here.
When you give, it would help us to remind and encourage you if you would send us an email letting us know your commitment.  You can email us here.

1 comment:

  1. We're in! Will talk to you about it on Sunday. Looking forward to being a small part of the adventure in Planet Iowa.
