Now this is the story all about how...Our life gets flipped, turned upside down...

I'd like to take a minute just sit for a few....

and I'll tell you of our journey loving the City of Sioux.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

All Things Green

I am no gardener. My thumbs are any color but green...they are barely opposable. Yet I am fascinated by plants, farming, and the tenacity of all things green.  

I said tenacity. When you look out at the world, even the small part of it around you, there is a temptation to think that the green things you see are merely passive receivers of the water, sunlight, and processes that help them advance, grow, and take over the world. 

But have you seen a grapevine recently? Have you watched trees envelope rocks, shaping them even as they are shaped by them? Have you weeded some patch of patio or garden before a week of rain, only to marvel at the same patch covered with the same weeds?

We have an opportunistic grapevine in our backyard that I think is literally trying to take over the world. I "trimmed it" this spring, wondering if it would survive the treatment. (Trimmed is not really the word for it...hacking into submission or death is probably more accurate.)  It is a monster, and probably measures at least 30 feet end-to-end...and still it grows. It has partnered with some other unidentified vine to make its escape out of our yard, up the neighbors staircase, and out into the great wide world.  

This vine has big plans.  

I wonder how it does this, and no doubt the mysteries of the grape vine are beyond me, but you can watch it move. It casts out tendrils, looking for a hold, something to latch onto, some crack or crevice or bit of anything to set another base for advancement. In all directions, with all sorts of squiggly creativity, and maybe even a bit of hope.

"The Kingdom of God is like a mustard seed."

"I am the vine, you are the branches..."

This green calls to mind the different kind of green it will take to plant Hopesprings in Sioux City, and the desperate, hopeful, tenacious advancement of the Kingdom of God. We have been inviting you to follow what we are thinking and praying about creating in Sioux City. Inviting you to pray with us, dream with us, and partner with us.  

This journey will mimic the journey of the grapevine across our yard. We will cast vision, seed, dreams for the Kingdom of God like tendrils in search of footholds in the hearts and minds of people desperate to be a part of God will do in this community of faith.  

We are praying for people to partner with us to help fund the initial stages of Hopesprings in Sioux City. We would ask you to think, pray, and consider giving generously. As a goal, we are praying for at least 25 people to commit to giving $100 per month for one year to help with the work in SIoux City. We are also praying for people to give one-time donations and monthly contributions of any amount.  

To get involved by partnering with us financially toward the advancement of this branch of the Kingdom of God in Sioux City, click here.
For a breakdown of our guidelines for creating the budget, click here.
You can check out the budget here.

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