Now this is the story all about how...Our life gets flipped, turned upside down...

I'd like to take a minute just sit for a few....

and I'll tell you of our journey loving the City of Sioux.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Convoy of Hope

Everything matters. Every word, every deed, every moment and everything you do, make, create, or share matters. The opportunities to love and serve the people around you are staggering, and it only takes you stepping into the story God is telling around you all of the time. We believe that we can help spread hope like fire in our community, and we want everything we do and say as a community of faith to revolve around that belief. Jesus said he will make everything new, and we believe that includes Siouxland-its neighborhoods, its people.  

Coming up we have an incredible opportunity to serve our city alongside many other people of faith in our community. Tons of food (literally), haircuts, fun stuff for kids, and a whole bunch to et cetera will be given to the people of Sioux City. We can't wait to share love in a tangible way, and build connections with people in our city. September 13 at the Sioux City Convention Center. Gates open at 10 AM. Pray for folks...join us...may you see the opportunity to share hope in your world today. 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Lunatics, Love, And La Juanita's

Hey there friends!  It's been a little while. We're still here! Loving God, loving people, serving the city. Hope this post finds you well and doing the same. 

Last week, some lunatics we love got in a van, drove for twenty hours, and came to be a part of Hopesprings in Sioux City for a few days. We ate, we laughed, and we loved the people of this community together. It was surreal and wonderful and a beautiful portrait of a church in two places coming together to spread hope into the cracks of a community.  

We did this:

And this:

And this:


We had a blast, and it was emotionally devastating (in a great way!) to experience the encouragement, love, and support of people willing to travel across the country to see the cool things happening at Hopesprings in Sioux City. To you brave and wonderful people who came out: THANK YOU!!!!!!  We love you and we're grateful. To those back in Bangor who sent those crazy kids: WE MISS YOU LIKE CRAZY!!!!! …And also: THANK YOU!!!!!!  Your continued support and encouragement remind us the family has our back.  To those who like what they see: JOIN US!!!!!  There are so many people to love and ways to love them, get going!  Share the hope you've found…it is springing up everywhere people are awakening to the love God has for whatever people and places you find yourself around. 

 (Thanks to Kaitlyn Rodger for the pics!)