"Break my heart for what breaks Yours...everything I am for your kingdom's cause."
Today I gave a message using the Incredible Hulk as a backdrop to talk about the good, the bad, and the ugly side of anger. We looked at an assumption that many people have and wrestle with - the assumption that God is angry and just looking for a chance to zap someone.
When we read the Old Testament, we do find a God angry, but the anger He feels is most often directed at people who should know better, His people. His anger is the fury of a good Dad whose heart is broken at the mess His kids have made, a God passionate about reclaiming a broken people, broken culture, broken lives, and broken cities.
If God doesn't rage at the mess we've made, He is not God.
If we don't rage at the mess we've made in healthy ways, we are not His people.

Being made in the image of God, we see His identity reflected in our own, and a part of that identity as kids made in the image of God is that we get angry about what God gets angry about. We see this perfectly in the life - and anger - of Jesus. Jesus is mad often. Never at the drunks, the demon-possessed, the Romans, the untouchables, the prostitutes...He rages at the religious. In John 2 He goes Hulk over the injustice and religion that oppressed the impoverished seeking forgiveness. He rages against people who loved business more than helping folks take a step closer to God. Later in John 11 we find Jesus raging at death itself as He confronts Lazarus' tomb and the devastation surrounding the death of His friend. Injustice...religion...death. These are the targets of Jesus' rage.
When you are sent to a city (and everyone is sent to their city) there are things about that city that are broken. That are sick. That are in need of hope and light and peace. We pray for eyes to see the things in us and in our community that break God's heart, the darkness Jesus came to do battle with. May we battle like Jesus battled, loving and serving, obedient to the point of death, sacrificially, to heal the wounds of the world.
Praying for God to rescue me from a small, destructive anger and show us the hurt in Sioux City that hurts the heart of God, the wounds we are sent to dress and rage against in love. Praying that God might show you the things around you that break His heart.
Would love to have you pray those things with us too. Thanks.
If you want to listen to the message, click here.